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Are Saliva Covid Tests Accurate?

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Are Saliva Covid Tests Accurate?

Today, saliva covid tests are being administered all over the world. Many people find this test to be more comfortable than the usual nasal swabs,and also much simpler,so a trained nurse is not required when administeringthe test. Now the most important concern is to know whetherthese testsare accurate or not.

Many studies have shown that the saliva covid tests are justas accurateas the nasal swabs. Some universities have even decided to have these tests taken on campus as a repeated routine. With results arriving within 24 hours,this helps the university to identify cases as soon as possible.

One very important thing to keep in mind is that it is very importantthatthe person’s saliva production isn’t too low whenthey are taking the saliva covid test. Things that can effect a person’s saliva production may bemedications, making the mouth dry, tobacco or alcohol use. If this is the case,then perhaps another type of test can be administered to detect Covid.

At Halux Diagnostic, we offera rapid detection test kit to detect Covid 19. Our test offers rapid results in as little as 7-10min.If you are not sure whether this option is best for you,visit ourwebsite at www.haluxdiagnostic.com to learn more about the testing options we have available.

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