14 Panel Drug Test Cups
We Offer High Quality CLIA-Waived and FDA-510(k) 14 Panel Drug Test Cups at Affordable Prices
Why Customers Use 14 Panel Drug Test Cups?

Which Drug Test Cup is Best For Me?
Drug test cups have become a more popular method for testing due to the added convenience of not having to dip the test into the urine because results are read right on the cup. The drug test cup that is best for you will be highly dependent on why you are drug testing, how many drugs you need to test for, and if you suspect people are trying to fake results. For example, any drug testing done within the healthcare industry we typically will recommend using at least a 12 panel drug test cup. If testing for other reasons such as pre-employment a 5 panel or up to a 10 panel will likely be sufficient. However we do offer up to a 14 panel drug test cup and can provide customized panel configurations to your desired specifications up to a 16 panel test.
If it is suspected that specimen donors have attempted to skew results we highly recommend using a drug test cup equipped with an adulterants panel. We offer an adulterant panel capable of detecting up to 6 adulterants to aid in preserving the integrity of the specimen. Feel free to contact us if you would like further assistance in choosing the best drug test cup for your needs.